In these pages you can find information about hacking (or fully enjoy capabilities) your CH3SNAS or DNS-323 NAS. Maybe this configuration will work on Synology's DS107+ or DS209+.
The basis principle of all this, is the installation of the so called 'fun_plug'. This is a extra piece of software which can be copied to the NAS by FTP or Samba. (in most cases a network mapping in Windows). This file will install a mini-version of Linux and consists of a great deal of packages. These can be used by turning them on or of seperately and can for instance serve as torrent client, nzb client, ssh etc. etc.
In most occasions it's enough to install the fun_plug for all of this. Before the fun_plug was more advanced, Debian was an good option. Debian is one of the larger Linux distributions, with a lot of packages, and capabilities and support from other users. One important advantage of Debian on the NAS, is that you can use it in a 'chrooted jail' container. This means that all processes within Debian can be turned inaccesible, shielding it from the other part of the NAS. For installation of Debian you will have to install the fun_plug as well.
This guide may also be compatible with the Conceptronic CHD3NET, Conceptronic CH3WNAS, D-Link DIR-685, D-Link DNS-323-2TB, D-Link DNS-313, D-Link DNS-343. The Debian Guide is NOT compatible with the Conceptronic CH3MNAS.
My purpose for acquiring a NAS, was to replace my current server. This server I used for torrent, nzb and edonkey. My main purpose was to get to do the CH3SNAS the same. And I wanted to use it as a media server for my PS3 as well as an FTP server.
This manual will help you to come to this situation. If you do have usefull additions, please don't hesitate to mail me. If you run into trouble, you can mail me, but I have to say my Linux knowledge is limited.For a good understanding of the manual, it's needed to have some computer knowledge.
The machine
The CH3SNAS is a so called Network Area Storage device. It can be used to make files available on your network. It has a light Linux system on board, which can be accessed trough your network. We will make a lot of use of this Linux system. This manual can also be used on D'link 's DNS-323 and maybe with some modifications on Synology's DS107+ or DS209+.
For more information about the CH3SNAS, please visit the site Conceptronic.net
What do you get
The CH3SNAS is delivered in a firm box, with 230V and network cable. It's front can be easely removed, so that one or two SATA disks can be placed into it. I have two 1TB disks installed.
What do you get
The CH3SNAS is delivered in a firm box, with 230V and network cable. It's front can be easely removed, so that one or two SATA disks can be placed into it. I have two 1TB disks installed.

Hard disks(SATA) easily placed by removing the front.
Connections of the CH3SNAS

Due to it's compact size, easily to place everywhere
Basic setup
Follow the manual to install the CH3SNAS into your network, by using the CD. I would advise giving the CH3SNAS a fixed IP address, else it will be difficult to find in your network afterwarts. It's also easy when making network mappings to the device.
Before you begin
!! Steps described in this manual are for your own risk. Take into consideration that you use the device in aberrant way !!
When you have to run a command, it's indicated by this sign: # (eg. # chmod etch.tar 755) Do not place the # sign before the command. For insterting a line, >> is used. (eg. >> startme.sh) In both cases text is purple.
Text Editors
In this manual you have to edit files with an editor. In Linux you can do that with the basic program vi. VI is a specific editor which takes soms time to get into (manual), else it's easy to mess up your files. You can always use the (ESC, :q!) sequence to exit without saving. When it's not needed to work with vi, I would suggest using notepad++ and edit your files in Microsoft Windows. Do not use notepad or wordpad, these programs could seriously mess up your files. When using Debian, you can install and use Joe. A kindoff more friendly editor (#apt-get install joe (Debian))
Always use Winrar to extract your downloaded files. Winzip or the built-in Windows extractor can seriously mess up files.
Putty is a telnet/SSH client which can be used to connect to your NAS. Putty is downloaded here. You will surely need this. Commands issued in this manual can be directly pasted into the Putty window.
CHMOD is used to assign rights to files. Here you can find more information about the background of this.
NAS boot time
Please take into consideration that when the more you install, the more time it takes for the NAS to boot. The countdown-timer in the web-interfaces's menu is based on a default installation. Just wait at least thirty seconds more before you start testing newly installed applications.
When it doesn't work
Please try to test installed programs by rebooting the NAS trough the web-interface. This works well and it will be a lot easier to trackdown problems. When things go wrong, just review your earlier steps! Don't forget to close down earlier telnet/ssh sessions when rebooting!
Rebooting your NAS
Before rebooting your NAS, please close applications by issueing there default closing command. Else, use the'killall' command (see example killing Mldonkey).
Intallation from Apple computer
In some cases, installation from an Apple computer doesn't seem to work in the right manner. This has something to do with file permissions when copying the fun_plug. A workaround is to use FileZilla or CyberDuck. (after the fun_plug installation, which will work). Use the Mac OSx embedded application "terminal" to connect trough telnet or SSH.
# kilall mlnet